We’ve announced our first album! Check out the front and back cover on the music page. You can also check out the track list, though it’s fairly obvious which songs are on it.
The wombat be with you!
28 August 2012
Unfortunately Friday’s recording was botched so there won’t be any recording released for Friday. Saturday we took a much needed break since Dan wasn’t able to make it.
We shall return next week with our regularly scheduled recordings!
20 August 2012
Or should I say wombsite?
The music page will be updated soon with our first album information. For now, why not go and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and YouTube?
There are some new pictures up too. See the most recent five on the right side of this page or head over to the pictures page to see them all.
May the wombat be with you!
11 August 2012